
Voice First 🎃
2 min readApr 26, 2020

Our team was at the 2019 Alexa Conference when I first heard Bradley Metrock give this story:

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Before we are born we hear only our mother’s voice. We may hear murmurings from the world around us, but it’s our mother’s voice through which we first begin to understand reality, magic, and the world around us. Once we’re born, we hear our own voice for the first time. It’s raw. It’s undeveloped. During this time we can start to hear our Voice through cries, laughter, coos, babbles, etc.

But in the early stages of our life we lack understanding of the true potential of our voice. Although we can perceive The Noise, We lack understanding of how that noise, our voice, shapes and creates the world around us. It’s at this point, in the cries of afterbirth, when we start our journey to #findyourvoice.

This brings us to Robin Sharma, author of the book series, The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari. He says,

“What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny.”

Kevin Kelly, co-founder of Wired Magazine and author of The Inevitable says regarding becoming,

“Because of Technology everything we make is always in the process of becoming. Every kind of thing is becoming something else while it turns from ‘might’ to ‘is’. All is flux. Nothing is finished.”

Our voices follow this trend of becoming. We can’t put our voice on a shelf and call it “complete” because our voices are constantly changing. As we age, meet new people, and gather experiences we must be open to change in order to #findyourvoice.

Our voices are co-created by ourselves and the world around us. It’s not your voice you hear when you shout “echoooo” into the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon takes your sound waves, transmutes your sounds with it’s natural faces, and the canyon reverberates the sound, claiming your voice as its own. Although your voice generated the initial sound, the rest of the world will resonate with it’s echo.

Here is our hypothesis: Most people seek outside, to find their voice. This only results in dreams. Successful people look inside to find their voices. This allows them to awaken. As Carl Jung once said,

“Who looks outside dreams who looks inside awakens.”




Voice First 🎃

👻 VOICE SOFTWARE CO. 👻 // #Columbus // less thumb-swiping & screen-facing. Wholistic Balance ☯️ of Midwestern Love ❤️ + Artificial Intelligence 💬